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Multiple services

AnaEE-ERIC offers capacities to develop multidisciplinary approaches combining experimentation, analysis, and modelling services. It provides easy access to research facilities and rely on geographic diversity to cover a wide range of ecosystems. The uniqueness and value lie in the emphasis on experimental methods. Our experimental facilities allows simulations of environmental changes which helps us understand the impact of differenct factors and how they interact. By combining this with modelling, we can predict how ecosystems will respond in the future, including identifying tipping points and understanding how ecosystems can adapt.

The services provided by AnaEE-ERIC is coordinated through the Central Hub with the three service centres; the Technology Centre, the Data and Modelling Centre and the Interface and Synthesis Centre, address four main categories of users. The primary target is the academic community, with services aiming to provide excellent infrastructure and experimental capabilities to researchers.

AnaEE-ERIC is also developing services for its own circle of facility members, a condition for the quality of services to the final users. Finally, AnaEE-ERIC develops services to several other types of users: industrial partners, farmers, NGOs, policy-makers, and the general public.

AnaEE’s services to academic users:

  • A full catalogue of facilities and services
  • A single entry point to access infrastructures, as well as information and guidance regarding application procedures and cost structure
  • Open access to data and metadata acquired by AnaEE RI
  • Integrated analytical and modelling services
  • Training for scientists and advanced students

AnaEE’s services to its facilities:

  • Coordination of procedures, quality standards and regulations across facilities
  • Support to develop, test and implement new instrumentation, processes, methods
  • Scientific networking and roadmapping (workshops, conferences, exchange network, etc.)
  • Common procurement
  • Coordination and support of common projects and applications
  • Coordination of industrial outreach activities
  • Communication and marketing
  • Training of staff

AnaEE’s services to private partners and NGOs:

  • Central access point for scientific users from the private sector and NGOs
  • Tests of new products, new technologies, new management methods for agriculture and nature conservation
  • Support for innovation activities, including open innovation and living labs
  • Training for technical users

AnaEE’s services to policy-makers and society:

  • Impact assessment
  • Expert public policy advice on improved management and methodologies for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem management
  • Coordination and support of facility/national nodes activities in education (schools) and outreach (broader public)
  • European wide awareness building and citizen science

Submitted on March 5, 2018

Updated on July 11, 2024